Throughout the month of April, NSW LRS will be running several training sessions as part of our industry readiness. Learn everything you need to know to start lodging and managing plans in NSW LRS Connect.

The training webinars will run for 1 hour and 15 minutes and provide a walkthrough of the NSW LRS Connect lodgment process and showcase the changes implemented in NSW LRS Connect to transition from ePlan.  There will also be a Q&A session at the end of the session.

Join us as our presenters answer your questions and provide you with the skills you need to successfully use NSW LRS Connect from Day 1.

Session Information

There will be four sessions held over four days, with two sessions dedicated to Registered Surveyors and staff within surveying firms and two sessions dedicated to Plan Contributors outside of surveying firms; this will cover all other users of NSW LRS Connect, including Government, Legal Professionals, etc.

Please select the session day and time that suits you best. You will only need to sign up for one of the sessions relevant to you.

If you make a mistake or need to reschedule, you can repeat this process to sign up for the session that suits you.

NSW Land Registry Service Speakers

Learn from these experts:

Daniel Griffin Headshot.jpg

Daniel Griffin

Digital Plans Manager

Megan Tucker Headshot.jpg

Megan Tucker

Portal & Digital Services Manager