Empower your clients to make informed decisions with respect to their property transactions and guide them through circumstances when caveats may be a useful tool to mitigate risk, provide additional security and protection, and safeguard their interests.

This educational webinar will reintroduce Purchaser’s Caveats and Registered Proprietor’s Caveats to practicing legal professionals and conveyancers. It will include an overview of caveats, their common uses, and lodgment data from NSW LRS.

Session Information

Join us for this informative session on caveats and earn continuing professional development points (CPD) while you do so. 

DATE | 4 July 2024

TIME | 1:00pm - 1:30pm

DURATION | 30 minutes

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The types of caveats available (Registered Proprietor's Caveat and Purchaser's Caveat), their common uses and lodgment data
  • Cost and benefits of caveats
  • Lodging a caveat

The session is free of charge and open to any interested parties, with particular value to legal professionals and conveyancers There will be an opportunity to raise any questions in a Q&A session at the end of the session. Note, attendees may be able to claim 0.5 CPD points if the webinar extends their skill or knowledge in an area relevant to their work.

If you have any questions in advance, please feel free to send them to [email protected]

Note: This is an online session only

NSW Land Registry Service Speakers

Learn from these experts:

Gabriela Slezakova
Solutions Specialist Growth and Delivery


Jameson Shi

Senior Legal Counsel